Published on August 31, 2006 By ntisafron In Personal Relationships

I really, really want to understand this.Why do the better halves in a relationship keep raising the stake.Just because we do as expected thay take it for granted and expect more & more &more every instance.Believe you me,it gets so difficult that I feel the strain ready to crack me up.
Things would be so much easier if they were to understand that we are individuals too with different thought process,different choices and an entirely different way of perceiving things.
Just because there is a difference in opinion does not mean anything.Heck I can be different.
I f I forget to call up every time i'm out, does not mean I dont love you anymore it just means that I am busy,probably doing some work.Maybe chatting up with my mom or catching up with my absolutely platonic friends.

Another thing: why do I have to summarise every activity of my day and make a presentation to the person. If Im going out for a walk,there has to be no reason for it.It's just a stupid walk.

If my phone is busy,it does not mean I'm talking to my hot neighbor,i could be talking to my boss or my sister for all you know.
Ok,if once i am very sweet and tell the person everything about how my day was and what I had been upto, does not mean I have to give a detailed account of my activities everyday.I am not hiding anything I just dont feel like it.

I am back from office it was a very long day,I am blank and dont feel like talking,please it does not mean that Im not interested in you,I'm just tired,the more you talk the more it nags.
If I cant take your calls because I'm busy at my workplace it does not mean that I value you just means Im busy.

THere is a lot I want to tell,but cant recall all of it,can you believe it,there's a so much to say.

I'd love some help,maybe some advice ,maybe I'm wrong somewhere.Perhaps I should not be so harsh and patiently take it all,after all thats what relationships are about,but do these things work out for themselves or does it become a big mess in the end.Is it only me or everyone in a relationship has to go through this.

HELP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on Aug 31, 2006
u stuck wit the wrong person.......u shud move on in life .......i guess he is not worth it......if he was he would not have got this kind of response from u
on Aug 31, 2006
.......i guess he is not worth it

Firstly how do you know its a "he",secondly what response are you talking about???Its just the flipside of a relationship,nothing wrong with it.................
on Aug 31, 2006
Well, you should bring it up with your significant other...tell them your concerns and see if you two can work it out. If it's driving you crazy and you keep it all in, it's going to explode and that may screw over everything beyond repair. Start talking about it now and if you can't work it out...well, maybe it's not a good relationship.

on Sep 01, 2006
tell them your concerns and see if you two can work it out

it's going to explode and that may screw over everything beyond repair

Thanx a lot zoo,but trust me wont let it get to the point of explosion.
on Sep 06, 2006
Here is AD's two cents.

I can tell you are male and the better half is female.

Women are communicators. They like to .... well communicate. Silence to women is brutal they need to have interaction and when they don't it is a sense of insecurity. This is how women are wired in general (yes there are a few exceptions).

The other thing I see is communication on a different level. I'm refering to love languages. By what you have explained to me I think she is a 'Quality Time' type of gal (where Quality time is primary language). Where communicating to her is about spending quality time or conversing is what speaks love if you will. It's the investment of talking. I also see that this is not your language. I would suggest (like Zoo here) to sit down and communicate on a more listed level. What do I mean? Ask her what things that you do make her feel loved the most. Work with her to come up with a Top 10 list and start working on the first five. It maybe something simple like sending a text message to her just letting you know you are thinking of her to a simple random call to see how she is doing.

Sound to me like you have the desire to love her just need a game plan or plan of action. Only she can be your most useful tool.

I may be wrong but this is my guess with the information presented.

Let me know if I am on track or off base.
on Sep 08, 2006
Sound to me like you have the desire to love her just need a game plan or plan of action. Only she can be your most useful tool.

Ya, i think thats right.very useful.

Ask her what things that you do make her feel loved the most. Work with her to come up with a Top 10 list and start working on the first five

I will try hard and do that,but tell me,what if Im incapable of it.I mean i want to give it all, but what if I cant deliver the expected??

I can tell you are male and the better half is female

on Sep 08, 2006
I will try hard and do that,but tell me,what if Im incapable of it.I mean i want to give it all, but what if I cant deliver the expected??

There are two pieces here. If they 'expects' you to do them you are doomed to a guaranteed failure. If they see you trying to make the relationship work then there is hope. See if they are truthful with you then as you do these things there will be a reciprocation too. If it is just an expectation than quite honestly you will just learn where the heart of this other person is.

I get a sense that there might be some jealousy coming from the other person. I would be quite leery of this. Investigate it a bit further in depth. There is healthy jealousy and unhealthy jealousy.

Ya, i think thats right.very useful.

Glad something was
on Sep 08, 2006
If my phone is busy,it does not mean I'm talking to my hot neighbor,i could be talking to my boss or my sister for all you know.

Now THAT would piss me off if that accusation was flung at me! If my wife said that I'd tell her "ya caught me! As a matter of fact it WAS my hot neighbor."

Dude, that's bullshit. I'd tell her to chill on her jealousy trip or get the hell out.
on Sep 08, 2006
This person sounds like they want to control you. Do not allow that to happen. Every person needs their own space no matter how close they are.
on Sep 08, 2006
This person sounds like they want to control you. Do not allow that to happen.

on Sep 09, 2006
I get a sense that there might be some jealousy coming from the other person. I would be quite leery of this. Investigate it a bit further in depth. There is healthy jealousy and unhealthy jealousy.

what if the whole "jealousy" part is the persons intrinsic nature???
What does one do??stop doing things that give vent to this natureor just completely ignore it and let the things be??

Now THAT would piss me off if that accusation was flung at me! If my wife said that I'd tell her "ya caught me! As a matter of fact it WAS my hot neighbor."

Tried that,oooh COLD WAR ,and the silent treatment.
on Sep 09, 2006
This person sounds like they want to control you. Do not allow that to happen. Every person needs their own space no matter how close they are.

You're right Jennifer,but when people tell me that in a relationship you gotta learn to accomodate,exactly how much should one do,and whats the thin line between compromise and taking shit????